Eden drinking Root beer !!!! Happy BOY ! |
Greetings to one and all from the Eternal Spring!
This has been a fine week, but I feel that first I must tell you about changes! First off... I`d like you to meet my new companion, he`s from Bountiful, likes to fish, and is named Elder Kingston.
*uh... it`s Elder Kingsford*
*My names Elder Kingsford.*
Ah right... WAIT!!! That is the companion I have now! Hooray!
So yes, we did not change! So once again, we will reign in power and joy here in Latacunga for 4 more weeks! I say four weeks because they cut down the change by 2 weeks to get in schedule with the MTC, so I guess that`s why all the missionaries are coming home 2 weeks early! Good for us!
And for other grand and glorious news, we did have 3 successful confirmations! The family Sal, or... a portion of them, were baptized Saturday! Her husband and son are the next to go, and have been delayed due to work trips for the army in the orient and waiting for their 7 year old son to turn 8! But they both really want to be baptized too, so we`ll be working closely with them in this next month or so.
And thanks for your letters, it sounds as if Paul is going to rocket off to Oklahoma majestically! And it`s good to hear that everyone still loves the Purple Moon in Lava Hot springs!
And I did get one of your packages! The one with the Root beer has arrived! And we have put it to good use! The other day we made 3 liters for ourselves and drank it with 2 days! IT was great, and then we also made some with the family Salgado, and they did like it too! But unfortunately it leaked a little and got all over my hymn book and shirt, but at least now they smell like fresh root beer!
So, it seems I`m a little short on time again, but I shall write you all come next Monday! Stay sharp!
-Elder Sanders
Photos: Me enjoying home made root beer, the baptism, and the night of changes